Dio Mio – My God
My God, infinite immens, eternal, incomprehensible mercy. My God, you are infinite love, you are mad with love for me My God, you have always
The writings of our Founder: https://oocc.sac.info/ (Opere Complete di San Vincenzo Pallotti – OOCC)
My God, infinite immens, eternal, incomprehensible mercy. My God, you are infinite love, you are mad with love for me My God, you have always
With joy we wish to inform, that the Italian original of Sr. Stella Holisz’s – former Superior General´s book titled Maria, Regina Degli Apostoli negli
INTRODUCTION I am glad that today we are sowing seeds on a fertile ground of Pallotine studies about Pallotti as the spiritual director of the
God is above all Not the intellect, but God, Not the will, but God, Not the heart, but God, Not sight, but God, Not hearing,
The 1st of January opens the New Year that brings promises of happiness, fulfilment of dreams and curiosity: what good will come to us? Among
St. Vincent took the prayer life of Jesus as an example for himself. He was convinced that he had to go to Jesus every day
“But there is another form of poverty! It is the spiritual poverty of our time which afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously. It is
OWL 15. According to Pallotti’s mandate, the close following of Christ is the foundation of our religious institute and the Gospel is our rule. OWL
Vincent Pallotti desired to risk all in order to gain God and be united with Him. He aspired to make God his sole good, to
We recall that our Holy Founder has given us the life of our Lord Jesus Christ as our fundamental rule, so as to imitate him
My God, infinite immens, eternal, incomprehensible mercy. My God, you are infinite love, you are mad with love for me My God, you have always
With joy we wish to inform, that the Italian original of Sr. Stella Holisz’s – former Superior General´s book titled Maria, Regina Degli Apostoli negli
INTRODUCTION I am glad that today we are sowing seeds on a fertile ground of Pallotine studies about Pallotti as the spiritual director of the
God is above all Not the intellect, but God, Not the will, but God, Not the heart, but God, Not sight, but God, Not hearing,
The 1st of January opens the New Year that brings promises of happiness, fulfilment of dreams and curiosity: what good will come to us? Among
St. Vincent took the prayer life of Jesus as an example for himself. He was convinced that he had to go to Jesus every day
“But there is another form of poverty! It is the spiritual poverty of our time which afflicts the so-called richer countries particularly seriously. It is
OWL 15. According to Pallotti’s mandate, the close following of Christ is the foundation of our religious institute and the Gospel is our rule. OWL
Vincent Pallotti desired to risk all in order to gain God and be united with Him. He aspired to make God his sole good, to
We recall that our Holy Founder has given us the life of our Lord Jesus Christ as our fundamental rule, so as to imitate him