9. FOLLOWING JESUS – YOUNG WINE, NEW WINESKINS Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of hope, pray for us Hope always brings newness and
9. FOLLOWING JESUS – YOUNG WINE, NEW WINESKINS Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of hope, pray for us Hope always brings newness and
9. BELIEVE “…His disciples believed in Him.” The wedding at Cana is still going on. The bride and groom, the wedding party and the guests
8. THE WORD OF GOD – DIALOGUE Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of the Word, pray for us Hear, O Israel! Mary, daughter
8. TO PRESERVE “Every man at first sets forth the good wine, and when they have drunk freely, then that which is poorer. But thou
7. TESTIMONY – CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY TIMES Patroness of the month – Mary, Star of the new evangelization, pray for us Mysticism of everyday life.
7. THE TASTE OF THE GIFT “Draw out now and take to the chief steward.” “That which I have; even that which I do not
6. MISSION AND BEING SENT – Fraternity Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of good counsel, pray for us The Annunciation begins Mary’s mission
6. THE BRIM “And they filled them to the brim.” The shore, the horizon, the border, the brim… Everything known so far. Behind them everything
5. COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES OF JESUS – COMMUNION Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us Unity in diversity: the
5. THE WATER “Fill the jars with water”. To abide when all around is darkness and meaninglessness. To believe when unbelief seems a closer, when
9. FOLLOWING JESUS – YOUNG WINE, NEW WINESKINS Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of hope, pray for us Hope always brings newness and
9. BELIEVE “…His disciples believed in Him.” The wedding at Cana is still going on. The bride and groom, the wedding party and the guests
8. THE WORD OF GOD – DIALOGUE Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of the Word, pray for us Hear, O Israel! Mary, daughter
8. TO PRESERVE “Every man at first sets forth the good wine, and when they have drunk freely, then that which is poorer. But thou
7. TESTIMONY – CHALLENGES OF CONTEMPORARY TIMES Patroness of the month – Mary, Star of the new evangelization, pray for us Mysticism of everyday life.
7. THE TASTE OF THE GIFT “Draw out now and take to the chief steward.” “That which I have; even that which I do not
6. MISSION AND BEING SENT – Fraternity Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of good counsel, pray for us The Annunciation begins Mary’s mission
6. THE BRIM “And they filled them to the brim.” The shore, the horizon, the border, the brim… Everything known so far. Behind them everything
5. COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES OF JESUS – COMMUNION Patroness of the month – Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us Unity in diversity: the
5. THE WATER “Fill the jars with water”. To abide when all around is darkness and meaninglessness. To believe when unbelief seems a closer, when