Our Sisters in the Cameroon Mission wish to share their great joy over the opening of the first ever Novitiate House on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. At the same time, the first Cameroonian Pallottine novices, Marie Ghislaine and Marie Stephanie were accepted to the Novitiate.
In preparation of the double event, a Recollection Day was preached the day before by Fr. Fabien, SAC. Assisted by Fr. François SAC and Deacon Daniel, SAC he celebrated the Holy Mass on the great day, at which all Pallottine Sisters in Cameroon were present. Joy was shining on everyone’s face.
Sr. Marietta Garbul, Coordinator of Missions in Cameroon, read the decree of erection from Superior General, Sr. Izabela Świerad, and Sr. Anna Kot read the letter of Sr. Bernadetta Turecka, Provincial Superior, in which she gave thanks to God for all of the local vocations in Cameroon and for the missionary work of Pallottines.
The Dedication Ritual for the candidates was conducted by Sr. Marietta Garbul. Led by the love of God, the new novices, Sister Marie Ghislaine and Sister Marie Stephanie asked the community to teach them how to follow Christ to the cross, live in poverty, obedience and chastity and to be faithful to prayer, the Church and to observe charity. Sr. Sr. Anna Kot will be their Novice Director. The two received crosses and Bibles, which will help them to meditate on the life of Jesus Christ.
Let us persist in praying for our novices that they will persevere on the road of their calling. Let us also pray for new vocations in Cameroon and for all Pallottine Missionaries that they will continue to grow in their love for God and Church. These notable events will go down in the history of the Cameroonian Pallottines.