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Sr. Brunhilde Vogt, SAC – 25 years in Procura Generale


Sr. Brunhilde Vogt, SAC had been working during 25 years in the guesthouse of the Pallottine Missionary Sisters „Procura Generale“ in Rome, close to the Vatican. Due to health reasons she now will leave the Eternal City and return to Germany to the Provincial House. She always had greatly enjoyed serving the guests, especially as the reference person for the German speaking guests.



Before she had to say good bye to Rome, it was Sr. Brunhilde’s greatest wish to participate in a Eucharistic celebration in the Vatican Chapel Santa Martha, which is daily presided by the Holy Father. She expressed her desire in a letter which Sister sent to Pope Francis. And she was exited to receive a message of approval from the Private Secretary of His Holiness! The date was fixed for November 2016, at 7.00 am. Sr. Brunhilde would have loved to take along a fellow- sister, her community superior, but this was not possible, as for these celebrations only very small groups are admitted.

After the Holy Mass the participants were allowed to greet Pope Francis, each one personally. Sr. expressed her gratitude to him and conveyed many greetings from our community.


We thank Sr. Brunhilde for her gentle presence as a fellow-Sister in our community and her competent and faithful ministry in the Procura. We will miss her!




Sr. Brunhilde may God´s blessings accompany you always!
