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“Seek God at all times”

In 2016, on the basis of the statute of our house in Gniezno, a psychological and psychotherapeutic aid office “Bridge” was established. The responsible person is s. Kinga Skórska (psychologist, psychotherapist), who works together with Sr. Monika Jagiełło (soft skills trainer). The aim of the cabinet is to provide support in crisis situations, offering consultations and diagnosis.



Since 2018, the Cabinet has been legally registered with the consent of the Provincial Government, which has enabled the development of it and the undertaking of activities as the conducting of workshops. The most common audience for the workshops are teachers. The legal personality allows for issuing certificates needed for professional development and promotion of teachers. Currently, cooperation is developing with the Faculty of Catechetics in Warsaw, Kalisz, Toruń and Wrocław. Workshops are conducted on a variety of topics (including working with children with educational difficulties; feedback-conducting demanding conversations; visual thinking in school work; emotions-a blessing or a curse; colaboration vs. competition; how to be a leader in a community). Due to the time of the pandemic several workshops could not be implemented.

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In October, Sr. Kinga and Sr. Monika managed to conduct a workshop in our provincial house in Warsaw. There were inquiries about the possibility of conducting online workshops. Currently, this perspective is at the stage of talks and perhaps it will be implemented someday.


During the pandemic, there was ongoing online work continuing treatment of people in psychotherapy (especially individuals and married couples), conversations supporting the in a crisis resulting from the uncertain social situation.

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A new initiative related to Covid 19 was the Gniezno Diocesan Support Telephone. It happened that people from all over Poland called on the phone, looking for an opportunity to talk, to deal with anxiety and uncertainty. The last initiative taken by Sr. Kinga was an online meeting with Wrocław catechists. The meeting dealt with coping with sadness and anxiety in children and the lack of energy in teachers.

“According to your faith, may it be done to you!“ (Mt 9:29). We believe that what man needs so much – the encounter – will be possible soon.

Sr. Kinga Skórska, SAC/ Poland
