On January 6th, the feast of the Epiphany, three Novices from the Pallottine Missionary Sisters – Sr. Adria D. Mtefu, Sr. Lilian J. Moshi and Sr. Maria C. Massawe professed their First Vows during a solemn Holy Mass in the Noviciate Chapel in Poli Singisi, Arusha.
The main celebrant of the Holy Mass was Fr. Emmanuel Msuri SAC, Parish Priest of Makiungu Parish, Diocese of Singida. In all, nine priests concelebrated – six of whom were Pallottine Fathers.
The joyful celebration was witnessed by family members and friends of the three new Sisters, representatives of a number of religious from six congregations who live nearby and many Pallottine Sisters from Siuyu as well as the community in Arusha. We were honored that Sr. Marie Claire, Novice Mistress of our Rwandan Region, came for the celebration.
After Holy Mass and a bountiful meal, there were songs, dances, speeches, reflective as well as funny sketches, many presents and of course a special cake. The newly professed who all come from the Moshi Diocese have now gone home to their families for their holidays. Afterwards they will live in the Siuyu community as they prepare for further studies. We praise and thank God for the gift of our three new Sisters and we pray that they will persevere in their vocation as the Three Wise Men, who in spite of many difficulties, followed the star to Bethlehem and worshipped the Infant King.
Sr. Mary McNulty SAC