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First Profession in Belize

1profession2 2012a

Sr. M. Ester Paau, a young woman from Sunday Wood Village in the Toledo district, heard and answered the Call as she professed her vows on August 15, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. at the Novitiate Nazareth chapel.


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Ester attended Claver College Extension and then began her postulancy formation soon after graduation. Her novitiate training culminated on August 15, 2012 when she professed her First Vows for the first time amidst her family and friends. The Assumption of Our Blessed Mother into heaven provided a fitting opportunity for all of us to experience a foretaste of heaven as there were no other words to describe the Liturgy celebrated by Fr. Maurice Murray.

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The Entrance Procession was led by Ester’s father incensing the entrance of Sisters, Sr. Ester, Celebrant and altar boys. In the midst of the rich aroma of copal bled in our forests, the Ketchi culture enhanced our liturgy and complimented the choir in the singing of, “We Are Called” accompanied by Sr. Alicia and Mr. Gerardo.

The Blessing of the veil and the pronouncing of her vows was indeed a very touching experience for all who attended the Liturgy. It was indeed very solemn moments.

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The Offertory Procession was very meaningful as her parents presented the gifts for the Liturgy and presented their daughter to the service of God’s people. For the Communion Meditation, Sr. Ester processed from the back of the Chapel to the singing of, “I Surrender”. As she carried and raised the burning candle at the words, “I Surrender”, we experienced a moment of awe and a deep feeling of His presence in the Congregation. Sister then placed her candle in front of Blessed Mother. The final hymn echoed the motto of the Pallottine Sisters, “The Love of Christ Urges Us On”.

It was indeed a day not to be forgotten for all who attended. The U.A.C. members complimented the social snack and served graciously all who attended. It was indeed a day of service and humbly saying, “Yes Lord, we will continue to serve you”.

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