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Celebration of 50 and 70 Years of Profession in Limburg

On August 11, 2012 seven sisters celebrated their golden jubilee of profession In Kloster Marienborn. The jubilarians Sr. Ambrosa Neuheiser, Sr. Clementia Burkard, Sr. Hildegard Wurm, Sr. Maria Reginata Nühlen, Sr. Pacifica Sperlich, Sr. Reinhild Ohm, and Sr. Rita-Lore Wicklein made their first profession in Limburg on August 15, 1962.


Sr. Christine Bohr from England celebrated with them 70 years of profession. The native-born Saarlander took her first vows in 1942, during times of war. Since 1948 she is living in England.


The General Superior Sr. Izabela Świerad, who came to Germany for the visitation, arrived some days earlier to take part in the celebration. During vespers on the evening before the main celebration, Sr. Izabela gave a short reflection and words of appreciation to the Sisters. During the Jubilee Mass on the next day, Sr. Helga Weidemann, provincial superior, presented the guiding words, which had accompanied each Jubilee Sister through her life.


Fr. Dr. Heribert Niederschlag, SAC from Vallendar celebrated the solemn Eucharist, which was enriched by a Pallottine Choir. He compared religious life with a “life-long healing” against energies, that try to cast a spell over us like “black holes”. Normally we are stimulated by the wishes to possess, to pass on life as a mother or a father, or to be in charge. Yet life is about something else, to let go and to listen, to open ourselves trustingly to God that He will care, to let ourselves be enfolded by the merciful love of God and to pass on joy. As Pallottines we shall give witness of the incorruptible love of God, that is a force that transforms guilt into blessing and death into life, a loving trust that every person will find the way back to God.

In the eve of the festivity at the Vespers , Sr. Margret Harbaum gave a spiritual reflection, which built a bridge between the celebration of the 50th and 70th Jubilee to the First Profession.

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